This site was developed due to the increasing need of certification information. There were various sites offering information, however, it pointed you to various other sites. It seems as though it was a laborynth to go through in order to find what was searched for. This being the case, we condensed the information for numerous certifications and posted it on this site. We are continuously growing in state information, and we are updating as soon as the information is gathered. We are getting more state information. For you, as a user, it will be helpful to gain a conceptual idea of the position you are trying to attain. If there is any information that is not posted on the site, please feel free to email us. We can research it and post it to our site. This way it can be accessible for all users. Additionally, if you have information on other certifications and how to get them, and you think they can benefit others, then please feel free to email that as well. Thank you for using our site to search.


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